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About Us

Who We Are

The Monroe County Aging Alliance is a joint initiative of Rochester Area Community Foundation and United Way of Greater Rochester and Finger Lakes. Active since 2012, the Aging Alliance is comprised of more than 20 service providers and includes representatives from aging, healthcare, academia, community-based organizations, city and county government.

Our members work collectively, often with community partners, to advance an agenda that promotes the value and well-being of older people in our community.


Our Vision

Rochester and Monroe County are great places to grow up and grow old.

Our Mission

The Monroe County Aging Alliance, through our collective power, will create a community where people age well.

Our Mission

The Monroe County Aging Alliance, through our collective power, will create a community where people age well.

Our Vision

Rochester and Monroe County will be seen as great places to grow up and grow old by its community.

Our Focus

The Alliance focuses on addressing poverty among older adults, combating ageism, and creating a community that allows people of all ages and backgrounds to thrive.


The Alliance provides leadership and guidance to projects that highlight the value of experiences and insights of longer life, promote equity for older adults, and champion the creation of an age-friendly, livable community.


Our work is made possible through generous funding and in-kind support by the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes, Rochester Area Community Foundation, the City of Rochester, Monroe County Office for the Aging and private donations. United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes is the group’s fiduciary agent.

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